6/27/24 Vineyard Bay Estates developers, their family members, their vendors and sponsors in attendance at the Town of Huntington Planning Board meeting last night seemed surprised when members of the Nathan Hale Nature Preserve (NHNP) committee presented heretofore unknown evidence documenting an illegal action and noncompliance with the SEQRA process.
Perhaps most surprised were the Planning Board members who – at the behest of the developer’s attorney – agreed to table the SEQRA resolution they were ready to approve.
As NHNP neighbors came to the podium to present facts they had uncovered, developers began texting; Board members’ cell phones began buzzing; developers relayed abrupt instructions to their attorney. Sudden one on one meetings were called in the back of the hearing room and the developers’ attorney approached the NHNP legal counsel for agreement.
Subsequently, the developers’ attorney went to the podium and asked the Board to table the resolution and reschedule the public hearing slated for July 24th.
Please contact us for the details, evidence, and/or interviews. The video of the meeting is available on the Town website: “Planning Board Meeting, June 26, 2024” – discussion of Vineyard Bay Estates begins at 14:55 https://www.huntingtonny.gov/meetings